Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Software of Core Banking (SoCB) untuk BPR, Koperasi & Mikro Finance

Kami HDCom Solution menyediakan sistem core banking(SoCB)utk BPR & Mikro Finance salah satu fitur adalah online realtime antar kantor/cabang dengan menerapkan system akuntansi sesuai SAK ETAP. Bilmana bapak ibu pengurus berminat dan mendapat informasi bisa di buka link kami di:
www.softwarebpr.net atau www.software-bpr.blogspot.com
Ph: 0821 39 311 455
Ym: softwarebpr
Fb: softwarebpr Socb
Email: admin@softwarebpr.net / softwarebpr@yahoo.com

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In central java, regardless of the size, a gamelan set would include four groups of instruments :

  1. those which carry the main melody (balungan)
  2. the accentuating instruments
  3. the elaborating instruments
  4. a set of drums, which functions as an audible conductor

the number of actual instruments in each group may vary from one gamelan set to another. Vocal parts may be either featured solos or included, like any instrument, meely to enrich the musical texture.

In solo city, you can see gamelan from central java, please come to solo you click my blog in solo for know about Solo City.

If you need more information about Gamelan please contact me! 100% free….!
